Hi Giles,
Thanks for the message. More info will be published shortly but the basics are the same as the Arduino Ide (1.5.5).
If you have an Arduino Yun and the Visual Micro debugger is installed (trial or purchased) then you should see the ip address and name of the Arduino Yun within the normal Serial ports lists (menus/toolbar). Of course you do need an Arduino Yun for this
If you select the Ip address as the port then upload and debug will work over the network.
If you want to upload as normal via serial to the Yun but would like to debug over network then set LocalPort to the ip address, RemoteTransport to Network and RemotePort to Console.
That's it, everything works the same except in the background Visual Micro will use network instead of serial.
Does this make sense?
My tests might help.
1. Let's assume you have set your Yun to be called arduinoyun1 using the admin panel of the Yun web server
2. Open the standard Yun sketch, which provides REST access to the Yun IO pins.
3. Select [Ip address at ArduinoYun1] from the Serial ports list
4. Prior to upload, add a breakpoint to the Yun code where it reads the REST request and sets a digitalPin
5. Upload with debugging enabled
6. Open your web browser on any wifi pc and browse to
http://arduinoyun1.local/arduino/digital/13/1 7. The debugger should confirm that the Yun pin 13 has been switched ON
8. Browse to
http://arduinoyun1.local/arduino/digital/13/0 9. The debugger should confirm that Yun pin 13 has been switched OFF
Actually, in my Chrome web browser I have created a new favourites folder called "Yun". In the folder I have added lots of REST links for the Yun with nice names such as:-
Yun Pin 13 On
Yun Pin 13 Off
Lights On
Make tea
Lock the garage
http://playground.arduino.cc/Hardware/Yun http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/YunFileIOConstructor http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ConsoleRead http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/YunDatalogger http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/YunSerialTerminal