I have a project that uses
Adafruit Feather M0 WiFi - ATSAMD21 + ATWINC1500, I have upgraded its firmware using the Arduino editor and also updated the WiFi101 lib to ver 0.16.0 and got the following results from running the "CheckWiFi101Firmware" from the Arduino editor:
Quote:WiFi101 firmware check.
WiFi101 shield: DETECTED
Firmware version installed: 19.6.1
Latest firmware version available : 19.6.1
Check result: PASSED
when I got back to vMicro (running ver 1903.16.0 VS2019) I couldn't compile my project as it doesn't recognize the WiFi so I tried to run the same sketch "CheckWiFi101Firmware" but this time from VS2019, the build fail with this error:
Quote:Compiling debug version of 'CheckWifi101FirmWare' for 'Adafruit Feather M0 (Native USB Port)'
WiFi.cpp.o: In function WiFiClass::init()
WiFi.cpp:337: undefined reference to nmdrv_firm_ver
Error linking for board Adafruit Feather M0 (Native USB Port)
Debug build failed for project 'CheckWifi101FirmWare'
m2m_wifi.c.o: In function m2m_wifi_cb
m2m_wifi.c:310: undefined reference to nmdrv_firm_ver
m2m_wifi.c.o: In function m2m_wifi_start_provision_mode
m2m_wifi.c:1292: undefined reference to nmdrv_firm_ver
collect2.exe*: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I updated both "WiFi101" and "WiFi" libs by installing them both from vMicro>Add Library>Install Arduino Library From Zip to versions WiFi-1.2.7 & WiFi101-0.16.0
looking further into this I (BTW - this is
way outside my knowledge scope) I noticed that the file "WiFi101.h" version inside of it under "External Dependencies" states:
however I can't get to have my VS2019 recognize the WiFi... I have no idea how to move forward from this point forward...
any thought will be highly appreciated!!!
thank you all in advance!