I've been reading through some of the posts regarding this issue but it doesn't seem something encountered before.
I'm able to upload a sketch through either the UART or the USB interface without a problem but when I try to setup a hardware debug session I get an error (I use the options "Debug: hardware" with "ESP32S3-USB" and "No Optimization" selected). The build log can be found in the dedicated email (see the bottom of the post for the details. You can also see below the output of the *.log file:
embedded:startup.tcl:63: Error: Can't find /interface/../board/esp32s3-builtin.cfg
in procedure 'script'
at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 63
If I inspect the folder, I can see that the "esp32s3-builtin.cfg" file it complains about is actually missing.
I then retrieved the openocd folder from the installation of the ESP-IDF Tools folder (here: c:\esp\tools\.espressif\tools\openocd-esp32), replaced across the whole content, tried to debug again and I got the error included in the file "Test2.ino_DebugOpenOCD - 2.log"
This was clearly a bodged solution but was worth trying it. :p
I'm not sure what the problem is. I followed the recommendations from this page (with and without the board.txt file):
https://www.visualmicro.com/page/ESP32S3-USB-Debugging.aspx I've also configured the driver of the "USB JTAG/serial debug unit (Interface 0)" with Zadig as "USB Serial (CDC)".
I'm not sure what the problem is. Probably it is something very silly.
For info, I'm running with the following specs:
- Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.5.3
- VisualMicro 2024.102.2203
All the files are attached to the email I sent you privately:
vMicro Support Request | AndreaC | Cannot start debugging ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 using integrated JTAG over USB Containing the following files:
- Test2.ino_DebugOpenOCD - 1.log (first attempt, with openocd files as are)
- Test2.ino_DebugOpenOCD - 2.log (with bodged openocd files)
- Build - 1.log (log file of the first build)
- Build - 2.log (log file of the second build)
Thanks in advance to anyone who tries to help.