Hello everyone, So as the title stated, I am having some serious problems when it comes to compiling a solution of mine for an ESP32 board (also I have come to realize even my Teensy 4.1 is longer too, the code is written to upload to both boards, switching using "ifdefined" logic). Before, the first time compiling my solution would takes a long time the first time in relation to opening Visual Studio (I am using 2017 for the record), however, each following compile would be rather quick. However, this has all changed, and I have no clue what seems to be the cause, in relation to, what update did what, as around the time I pulled the latest libraries for boards and what not (updated per Arduino IDE), but also tool Visual Studio updates, and Visual Micro. Plus it happened sometime back and I tried to live with it, so I don't remember all the details. It's become painful where EVERY time I compile, I have to wait 10+ minutes, and it's driving me insane. I managed to make some improvements, by either turning on "Shared Cache for Cores" or "High Speed Parallel Builds" (I can't remember which it was), as well as changing my deep search to use SCons. This improvement has the first build take 7+ minutes, and follow up builds can be 4+ minutes. While an improvement, this is still way longer then it used to be, and I can't figure out why. What bugs me even more, is I was once testing a brand new solution for the ESP32, prototyping some new code, and it never suffered the problem, but my existing solution I have been working on for over 8 months, not the same. I have done Clean Solutions, I also deleted I believe it was the vcxproj file, to allow it to be regenerated, which from what I recall, didn't do anything. I can't rebuild this solution from scratch, it's large, and as I mentioned, I have been working on it for over 8 months. Additionally, I am currently running the Visual Micro update "2024_0510_1900" I could REALLY use some help on this one, because it's making development a lot more painful (I now have even more respect for the devs back when that compilations took forever)