I haven't started yet to explore the WIFI routines I want to add.
I need first to make work an IR receiver, an Adafruit LED Backpack and a serial output.
The project was using IRLib-master that did not compile with the WIFI model, so I am trying to use the latest IRLib2-master library.
I installed it from a ZIP file. It is installed in:
However, when I go to
vMicro -> Add Library -> User Installed
I only see IRLib-master.
And when I try to compile what I got from a sample:
// In C:\Users\m1\Documents\Arduino\libraries\IRLib2-master\IRLib2
#include <IRLibDecodeBase.h>
#include <IRLib_P02_Sony.h>
#include <IRLib_P09_GICable.h>
#include <IRLibCombo.h>
#define PIN_RECV 8 // Old 4, New 8
IRdecode myDecoder; //create decoder
IRrecvPCI myReceiver(PIN_RECV); //receiver on pin 3
I get:
GoldCont.ino: 101:10: fatal error: IRLibDecodeBase.h: No such file or directory
#include <IRLibDecodeBase.h>
An error was encountered during the 'Deep Search' library discovery process.
Library Include Paths (5)
Include Path 'C:\Users\m1\Documents\Arduino\libraries\IRLib-master'
Include Path \libraries\Wire'
Include Path 'C:\Users\m1\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_GFX_Library'
Include Path 'C:\Users\m1\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_LED_Backpack_Library'
Debug build failed for project 'GoldCont'
I tried to add the "C:\Users\m1\Documents\Arduino\libraries\IRLib2-master\IRLib2" path in the C++ Additional include directories, that does not help.
I can add the full path directly into the #include statement, but all other includes called recursively do not work either.
What did I do wrong?