Tip: When you receive a stack trace error like the one posted, you can click the [!] button at the bottom of the Serial Monitor to decode the error and show the methods/files which led to it in the output window. Clicking these will take you to the relevant code. This may be useful for when your board restarts,
There are also reason codes within the output when the board resets which explain why it has done so:
e.g. rst:0xc (RTC_SW_CPU_RST),boot:0x2b (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
Espressif Documentation: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esptool/en/latest/esp32s3/advanced-topics/bo... Quote:USB connection appears
I press "Connect"
it resets
This is related to the DTR/RTS signals which can be altered at the bottom of the Serial Monitor. If you disable DTR it should no longer reset the board when connecting the Serial Monitor (this setting is per-session, so needs to be unset again after reloading Visual Studio).
Quote:Where is that board.txt and whether I need to do anything with it ?
The Local board.txt can be added to the project from vMicro > Add Code > Add Local Board.txt. Then the entries specified on the page can be added in and saved. They will take effect the next time the debugging session is started from Debug > Attach to Process (if the code has already been uploaded), or Debug > Start (this will build and upload the code and then attach the debugger).
Quote:"The vMicro > Debugger > Compiler Optimization MUST be set to "No Optimization" for this board to function with the debugger"
This has been the case in the past, however in this scenario with so many libraries involved it should work with just "Default Optimization".
The previous build log didn't include the Watchy library, which I expected to be included for this device.
So we can assist more easily can you ZIP your project (minus the .vs folder) and email it to us (info (at) visualmicro.com) with a link to this thread so we can review?
Also please include the latest buiid output, and any output shown in the Serial Monitor in full as text files?