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Normal Topic DFR0282 (Beetle, Arduino Lenonardo) (Read 20 times)

Posts: 6
Joined: Jun 4th, 2018
DFR0282 (Beetle, Arduino Lenonardo)
Yesterday at 9:03am
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There is a problem with uploading.

After many uploads, the upload no longer works.
Comport does not recognize the Beetle and resets it.
The port shows "Com6 - Arduino Leonardo (Arduino Leonardo)".
Data is sent to the terminal.

Then I go to IDE 2.x and program Blink at Beetle.
This only works if I press RESET when uploading (ICSP pins).

Then I go back to vs2022 and the next upload works.
The second upload does not work again.
Reset on ISP when uploading does not work on vs2022, why?

Where is the problem?
What is different on vs2022?
« Last Edit: yesterday at 9:07am by andy007 »  

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